It takes a village to raise a child, support families, and transform a community.
Homewood Children’s Village (HCV), formally established in 2010, is a 501c3 that serves children, families, and the community by breaking down the social and economic barriers to success. Through collaboration, engagement, advocacy, and research, HCV offers a continuum of direct services and learning support for children and their families from cradle to career, working diligently to address the complex challenges facing Homewood’s youth.
To create long-term impact and sustained transformation in the lives of our youth, we must work across the artificial boundaries that keep us working in silos such as zip code, class, position, race, sector, and organization. To fulfill our mission, we must also take a collective systems approach to address the root causes of our community’s challenges and build partnerships at every level. Whether it’s our team members or partner organizations, our donors, volunteers, teachers, parents or other supporters of our youth, or even the youth themselves, we all have a role to play in transforming our community. We want Homewood to be a vibrant community of people who collectively protect and support our children, our most precious and valuable assets.